Is That A Banner Being Raised?

-48Days -4Hours -9Minuts -16Seconds

One of the first Facebook posts to mention that Elijah Cummings had hired a fundraiser was by Calvin Ball. Calvin Ball is a Howard County councilman now in his third term, and is not yet 40 years old.

Back in the spring, when it seemed that Elijah Cummings’ entry into the Senate race was imminent, I compiled a list of potential CD7 candidates who might run for Cummings’ House seat. Ball was high on that list.

Ball has a picture of himself with Congressman Cummings. And four out of the five comments on Ball’s Facebook post urge him to run should Cummings jump into the Senate melee.

None of this strikes me as even remotely coincidental. How about you?
Hmmmmmmm. This is turning into a very interesting week.

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